
About Kartis

A Creative Cartography series designed by Musintec that seeks to awaken curiosity and stimulate creative thinking by appealing to the sense of wonder that every human being keeps inside, through the documentation of perceptions from different perspectives. The invitation is to be enriched by sensory stimuli when reflecting on the self, society and the environment, and to consider the intersections that emerge in the search for tangible solutions when interacting with our world.

Musintec develops free and open content. Among these materials is the Diary of Senses (right now in Spanish... soon in English) which you can download for free in pdf format or purchase a paperback version for 10 USD by writing to info@musintec.com.


Register sensations, perceptions and reflections on the road

  • Walk through and observe

  • Draw, take pictures, record...

  • Expand

  • Transform

This Diary of Senses is part of the Creative Cartography series designed by Musintec that seeks to awaken curiosity and stimulate creative thinking appealing to the sense of wonder that every human being keeps inside, and through documentation of perceptions from different perspectives.

This Diary of Senses is under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike so you can print and modify your own version as long as you give us credit and license your new creations under identical terms. If you want to foster new open publications or buy the paperback from us for 10 USD write to info@musintec.com and we'll send it your way.

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Social cartography workshops and videos

Video produced for Compartir Foundation narrating the experience and showing the impact of the Clubhouse program from the Museum of Science and the MIT Media Lab in Colombia.

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